
At Bagerz, we offer the widest range of bags online at affordable prices with hassle-free delivery all over Pakistan. Shop your favorite style of handbags whether it be purses, backpacks, bridals, clutches, or briefcases. We provide the highest quality products, exclusively selected, keeping in mind the current trends and latest fashion. Get ready to find the most demanded leather products of unmatched quality at one platform.

Bagerz aims to develop and strengthen its position in the competitive market. By expanding, creating, and bringing new variations in our range to make itself the brand of choice. With the infusion of high-fashion products. We make sure that the high demands of our customers are met when we provide service. That exhibits integrity and ethics at all times. It’s time you find all types of handbags you will ever need to accessories with pride.

The appearance of Bagerz on the screen is nothing less than a breath of fresh air in the fashion industry. Here you can have your desired wonderful handbags at reasonable prices. As ladies are fond of collecting different styles and sizes of handbags. So Bagerz is the right place for you, where you can easily go through all the available styles and designs of handbags online. And can grab your favorite one.

Bagerz brand provides you with a wide variety ranging from simple trendy leather bags for daily use to lavish clutches to carry on special occasions. These handbags are not only available at affordable prices but in outstanding and long-lasting quality which will never let down the customers.

Our store is consistently booming with a passion to create and design handcrafted leather bags with 100% authentic and reliable quality. The superior quality of our handbags reflects the fulfillment of all quality standards, giving you the most remarkable outcome.

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  • Price Range

    1,000 - 99,000
  • Price Range PKR 1,000 - PKR 99,000
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